Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Project-Sky meets New York
Overbooking: about how much money does your time cost? How do you to spend 18 hours by a swimming-pool in barajas city-center?
1,800 euros later, Iberia let PROJECT-SKY finally take off towards New York. 3 days of much more intensive work!
26th july: First meeting at Jose Esparza's to arrange interviews, performances, itineraries,...
Then, a Bushwick expedition to cross the city and bring a 32" television to Manhattan. The performance starts...
Meanwhile, a sound elevation of times square was to be written down.
The television keeps on moving through china town and canal street.
Rain over our plastics and cameras under umbrellas.
Citizens walk in front of a still 1975 camera recording sky and sending live image through our traveling-television. Mirror-effect for quick side walkers through the no.1 media aparatus; TV.
Curious people reacted as expected, but others did not even care about the free bit of sky in the middle of the sidewalk, nor about a bunch of wires and electronic devices which were settled down beside the high-rise buildings.
Stress or rain?
The television, the trolley with the wires, the video and photo cameras, and four exhausted interviewers climb up to a fourth-storey apartment in china town. JANA LEO, philosopher, architect and designer is waiting for us by her fire escape. Conversations about verticality/horizontality, condos in NYC, perversions of the city, public space and social stratification, the happiness of owning sky-views, security and streets,... she closes the security-bars of the windows and we leave.
CANAL PLASTICS provide us a piece of plastic mirror. Like in Spain, Chinese stores save lives! The prototype done 6 months ago will stay in NYC, and the new one starts a new life in a new amazing Lasarte's cover.
Dr. T and Mr. Alam will improve Mr. Beni's prototype.
The performance starts at Canal St. and will walk down Broadway until Financial District.
Reactions from cops, homeless, citizens, workers, brokers, ...
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Esta mañana me emocione,
ahora en casa con mas calma, silvana y yo repasamos la entrada de vuestra experiencia en NY.
Me quedo sin palabras, no se que decir que pueda ser minimamente interesante y que aporte algo a vuestro viaje.....disminuire la presion y así bajare mi eterna densidad.
Dadle caña al mundo, se lo merece.
pasearos por el, os lo mereceis, haced realidad vuestros sueños y haced soñar a los que quieran compartirlo con vosotros.
os esperare cada dia y alla donde esteis acordaros que todos miramos el mismo cielo.
mil recuerdos de Lasarte
Niños!!!Como ha ido por NY??Se acercaron muchos curiosos ante vuestro regalo??
Creo que hoy ya estareis por el DF...espero que pronto subais más info sobre el proyecto y a poder ser comentarios de como os esta yendo (incluidas las anécdotas pq seguro que las hay)
Supongo que a los dos Burgaleses no os veré este verano por vuestra tierra (estaré del 19 al 24 de agosto) así que quiza os vea por Madrid más adelante a los 3.
Joe que envidia me dais! :P
Mucha suerte y disfrutadlo!!!
yo me quedo con mr.beni
si no os hacen caso poneros unas gafas aun mas grandes que las de mr. esparsa con espejos y echaros unos chotis.
si veis por ahi algun trasto chot en un contenedor...remember the famous diogeness:
uno es el item que recupera del olvido.
chuaks chuaks
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